We find ourselves using slang words more and more frequently. Although we do not always realize that we are actually using slang, we need to become more conscious of this habitual behaviour, as it causes confusion in certain situations.
Being from Nova Scotia, I tend to over use the slang term, “Eh”. I did not realize it until I began tutoring ESL (English as a Second Language) to a couple of students from South Korea. One day, one of the young women asked me, “Eh? What is an ‘eh’?”
With the above being mentioned, I thought it would be interesting to list some of the common slang terms we tend to use, as sometimes it helps to visualize the things we need to correct.
- Bluenoser - a resident of Nova Scotia
- GTA - greater Toronto area
- KD - Kraft dinner (processed cheese power, macaroni noodles)
- Winterpeg - Winnipeg, Canada
Obviously I have not listed a vast majority, but the above are a few I have heard in the last couple of hours today.